
Rebuild Your Strength With Iron

Did you know that iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency worldwide? Whether due to improper diet or medical reasons, many of us are not getting enough iron. An essential component of overall health, this nutrient works to preserve vital bodily functions such as energy, focus, gastrointestinal health and immunity. Iron deficiency symptoms can include fatigue, hair loss, brain fog and other ailments, and are linked to age-related conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, liver disease and a decline in the body’s ability to fight infection in older age.

The Solution: Iron IV Therapy

Aeon Future Health offers safe and efficient iron IV therapy, including Monoferric and Venofer infusions. These therapies are the fastest way to restore iron levels in the body and eliminate the need for daily supplementation. Required on a quarterly or yearly basis (depending on each individual’s needs), most patients see an improvement in symptoms within two weeks.

The benefit of iron infusions in comparison to supplementation is that relief from fatigue and fatigue symptoms is within 2-3 weeks of the infusion and the continuation of this for longer periods of time depending on the needed frequency of infusions. This then allows individuals to feel more energy quicker and for longer than while using supplements, therefore allowing their day-to-day life to happen without the constant upward battle of exhaustion. It is common for individuals using supplements to continue to feel fatigued even while supplementing. 

Aeon accepts referrals for iron infusions from family doctors, naturopathic doctors, midwives and other specialists.

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